Is it a sin to get a tattoo of a cross? This question has sparked much debate and differing perspectives among Christians. The cross, being the central symbol of the Christian faith representing Christ’s sacrifice, carries profound significance. As such, the idea of permanently inscribing that image on one’s body through a tattoo is a sensitive and controversial topic.
The Bible has verses that people use to argue about tattoos. Our article looks at these debates and what really matters when you think about getting a cross tattoo.
Keep reading to find out more!
Key Takeaways
- The Bible mentions tattoos in Leviticus 19: 28, saying not to mark your body, but some Christians believe this rule does not apply today due to Jesus’ new covenant.
- Debates among Christians about tattoos often focus on whether tattoos honor or disrespect the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
- People get cross tattoos for many reasons like expressing faith, remembering important life events, or honoring loved ones. Motivation matters when deciding if it’s right to get one.
- Getting a tattoo can be a way to show your beliefs and may lead to conversations about Christianity with others. It’s important to think about how a tattoo might affect relationships and views within the Christian community.
Understanding the Religious Debate on Tattoos
Christians have debated the acceptability of tattoos, with varying interpretations of Biblical passages influencing their views. Different factions within Christianity hold diverse opinions on this issue.
Debate among Christians
Many Christians argue about whether getting a tattoo is a sin. Some say that Christian tattoos, like the cross, are okay because they honor God. Others think tattoos go against the Bible’s teachings, pointing to verses that forbid marking the body.
This split in opinion shows how people read and understand Scripture differently.
The discussion focuses on what Leviticus 19:28 and 1 Corinthians say about tattoos. These passages spark debates within Christian communities around the world. As we move forward, let’s examine what exactly these biblical texts mention regarding tattoos.

Different interpretations of Biblical passages
Christians today face a big question about getting tattoos, especially ones of the cross. Some point to Leviticus 19:28, which says not to make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead or tattoo marks on yourselves.
They argue this means all tattoos are forbidden by God’s law. Others believe that since Jesus Christ came and established a new covenant, Old Testament rules like these do not apply directly to Christian practices anymore.
Debates also focus on what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 about our bodies being temples of the Holy Spirit. This passage encourages believers to honor God with their bodies. Those against getting tattoos might say a tattoo defiles this temple, while others argue that if it’s done to glorify God or share one’s faith, such as with a cross tattoo or Bible verse, it can be meaningful and acceptable.
The key becomes whether the motivation behind getting the tattoo aligns with honoring and glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ and sharing His message with others.
What the Bible says about Tattoos
The Bible prohibits markings on the body in Leviticus 19:28 and emphasizes viewing the body as a temple in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. These passages have sparked debates within the Christian community regarding the act of getting tattoos.
Leviticus 19:28 – prohibition of markings on the body
Leviticus 19:28 commands, “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.” This verse clearly states that God did not want Israelites to mark their bodies with tattoos or cuts.
Many people use this passage to argue getting a tattoo is wrong because it goes against God’s law from the Old Testament.
Some Christians see this rule as still important today. They think putting tattoos or marks on one’s body disrespects what God gave us. However, others feel the context of Leviticus was specific to pagan worship practices at that time and may not apply now.
The Bible highlights taking care of our bodies and respecting them as gifts from God.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – viewing the body as a temple
Moving from the idea of refraining from markings on the body mentioned in Leviticus 19:28, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 emphasizes that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is essential to honor God with our bodies and not defile them.
This perspective encourages careful consideration regarding any alterations or adornments, including tattoos, recognizing that our bodies belong to God.
Considering how we treat and maintain our bodies is crucial because they serve as a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. This view underscores the need for reverence towards our physical selves and aligning any decisions about body modifications with honoring God’s presence within us.

Considering Intentions and Motivations
When getting a tattoo, it’s important to carefully consider your intentions and motivations. Evaluate how the tattoo may impact your relationship with God and those around you.
Motivations to get a tattoo
People get tattoos for diverse reasons – to express their personal beliefs, commemorate a significant event, honor a loved one, or as an art form. Some feel that getting a cross tattoo is an expression of their faith and a way to carry its symbolism with them.
Others view it as a source of strength during challenging times or as a constant reminder of their religious values. The decision to get such tattoos is often deeply personal and can be rooted in the individual’s spiritual journey and connection to their beliefs, reflecting the significance they hold in one’s life.
The motivation behind receiving religious tattoos like the cross can vary widely but often centers around expressing faith, personal conviction, or holding onto something meaningful within oneself.
Impact of tattoos on one’s relationship with God and others
Getting a tattoo, like a cross, can impact how others view your faith. It may prompt questions or discussions about Christianity, opening opportunities to share beliefs and strengthen relationships with God and others.
Conversely, some individuals might perceive tattoos as conflicting with religious values, causing division or misunderstanding within the community. Understanding these potential effects is essential when considering a tattoo’s impact on personal spirituality and interactions with others in matters of faith.
Remembering Jesus’ teachings on love and acceptance can guide respectful conversations in addressing varying perspectives on tattoos within Christian communities.
Conclusion: Is it a sin to get a tattoo of a cross?
Is it a sin to get a tattoo of a cross? As we can see from this exploration, the issue of getting a tattoo of the cross is one that doesn’t have a clear consensus among Christians. Like many matters where the Bible doesn’t give an explicit command, believers are called to carefully weigh the principles and intentions behind their actions.
Those who believe it is not a sin point to the cross being the preeminent symbol of Christ’s sacrifice and the Christian faith. When done with reverent motives to honor God and self-identity as His follower, a cross tattoo can be seen as an eternal badge of unwavering devotion.
However, others contend that permanently marking the body in any way violates the biblical teaching that our bodies are the Holy Spirit’s temple to be kept pure and undefiled. There are also cultural contexts where tattoos may be viewed negatively, potentially diminishing one’s Christian witness.
Ultimately, as with all personal conviction matters, the decision should be bathed in prayer, wise biblical counsel, and a desire to glorify God above all else. Each believer must evaluate their motivations, interpretations of the scriptural guidelines we do have, and whether their cross tattoo would be a loud proclamation of faith or merely an external appearance.
While we may disagree in this specific area, we can unite as Christians in the singular truth that the cross of Christ is the axis around which eternal destiny turns. May we all strive to lift high the cross through lives of total surrender to the One who defeated death and sin forever.
1. Is getting a tattoo of a cross against God’s law?
No, getting a tattoo of the cross is not directly against God’s law. The Bible does not specifically mention tattoos as a sin.
2. Can I get a small cross tattoo on my wrist to show my faith?
Yes, you can get a small cross tattoo on your wrist as a way to remind yourself and others of your faith in Jesus.
3. Do all Christians think it’s wrong to get a tattoo?
Not all Christians believe it’s wrong to get tattoos; opinions vary based on personal beliefs and interpretations of the Bible.
4. What does the Coptic Orthodox Church say about tattoos?
The Coptic Orthodox community has been known for using tattoos, including crosses, as marks of faith for centuries.
5. Will having a cross tattoo help me grow spiritually?
A cross tattoo might serve as a personal reminder of your faith and could inspire conversations that help others grow in their spirituality too.
6. How should I decide if getting a Christian-themed tattoo is right for me?
Use discernment and consider how the tattoo aligns with your beliefs and whether it helps or hinders your walk with God.